Monday, July 27, 2015

Outsiding and Insiding!

This past week there was lots of action on the house.  The crew started putting up our siding.  We went with James Hardie fiber cement siding.  It looks a lot like wood, but the number one reason for choosing this siding was durability and its non-combustible property. Glacier National Park, which is not far from us, had a forest fire this week, and was a scary reminder of the possibility for forest fires when you're living out in the woods. You can learn more about our siding on their website  

There is still a bit more siding to go, but there is noticeable progress every day.  

You may also note that many of the doors and windows have been installed. We had a little snafu with one door-the one going out to the covered porch--it did not open in the correct direction, so that one had to be re-ordered. Roy knows that I want this house to be super toasty in the winter, and I am very happy with the quality of these Anderson doors and windows. It'll be extra nice when the plastic is off!  

Great Room Doors to Deck and Mega Windows
Master Bedroom Doors to Deck and Corner Windows

You can also see that they have started the drywalling.  

Hopefully that will be done by the end of this week.  That has seemed to be the slowest piece of the house-building puzzle. 

Roy and I have been looking in stores and online for indoor and outdoor light fixtures.  A bunch of these outdoor wall hanging lights for the deck came today!  

Kitchen Counter Top
We also picked out the granite for the kitchen counters.  The picture was taken on an angle so it is kind of hard to see.  I liked it because it reminds me of a river bottom. 

Next Week: Decking!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Insulation Installation

This week, I stayed out of the way as much as possible. There were men in masks, and big tubes running from trucks into the house, and everything making lots of noise. Roy said that's the sound of progress:) We have a couple types of insulation.  First they blew in this foam stuff, I think mostly on the outside walls.  Then they put the cushy, scratchy rolls of insulation on top of the foam and everywhere else.  Because the foam must be bad to inhale, we all stayed away and the builders mostly worked outside on the deck railing.  

500 Year Old Railing for Deck--Who knew? I thought it was just wood!

We looked at some light fixtures this week, but did not select anything yet.  We did order all of our bathroom tiling, the stone for the fireplace, and we decided to go with an oak hardwood floor for all the non-bathroom spaces. 

Oak with a nice warm finish.

This time I am serious--Next week we will have the windows, doors and more!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Pipes and Plugs

Today's update is the last for this week.  The electrician came and wired us for sound and lights, and all kinds of important creature comforts.  I liked the electrician.  
I can see why our contractor, Lyle, chose him. Yes, that says INTEGRITY!
He's been here all day and all week.  He asked me lots of questions to make sure we were considering all of those things that I never would have thought of without him.  

The plumber was also here a bit this week.  While we still have to pick out fixtures next week, he was able to get us plumbed for our future sinks, tubs, toilets, and dishwasher.  This team really works well together!
                                                    I finally got a glimpse of the flooring that is on the covered part of the deck, and you'll see in the following video that that's as far as I can go today, since the beams holding up the deck have been stained to protect them from the elements. 

Next week the team will blow in a ton of insulation, install our doors and windows, and start siding the house.  Roy will be back and we will go pick out those plumbing fixtures, and look into some flooring options recommended by Mark the Floor Guy and his lovely wife, Janet:) 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Inside and Out

Today, the team here was working inside and out. Electrical boxes were added and wire run throughout. They have begun to frame in the gas fireplace and hearth, and the closet in the master bedroom was moved and enlarged.                                        

The most noticeable difference  for me was the addition of trim to  the outside of the house. 


Next up, decisions about flooring. Could really use expert, Mark the Floor Guy's, and Janet's thoughts here. I'm looking for durable, and a nice warm lighter color. Wood? or something engineered?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

At Long Last We are Building our House in Montana

I have never had to make these kinds of decisions before. In the past, I have had about 24 hours to view houses and pick one as our newest location. Now I am being asked things like how thick would you like your deck railing, and and where would you like your light switches. It is exciting and scary all at once.                                                                                                                                                 

I have an image in my mind of what I would like this living place to look like, but I feel completely inept at conveying the pictures in my mind to our wonderful and patient contractor.       
Here is what has been done before I have ever even seen it for myself.  The plans were largely composed by my husband and his best friend (best friend is an amazing contractor in the bay area) on a cocktail napkin.  They were cleaned up to a single sheet of paper later, but our current contractor Lyle, of Stringline Construction has had to interpret a lot.      
I wish my friends were here to help me, but they are all back in Mass, or in California, or Virginia, or a million other places.  I am hoping this Blog gives them a chance to give me their 2 cents.                                                                                                                                                       
In case you want to know some of what I am   thinking for this place, here is my "Cabin Ideas" Pinterest.  It has some pictures of things I like. I am not sure that they can all be incorporated   or that they should all be incorporated, but at     least you'll get a sense of what I like-sort of.
Follow Melissa's board Cabin Ideas on Pinterest.